Never in my life had I ventured to Europe. Have I dreamed of it since childhood? Yes. Did I choose European History as a AP…
Never in my life had I ventured to Europe. Have I dreamed of it since childhood? Yes. Did I choose European History as a AP…
Now that you’ve chosen the perfect travel backpack to suit your needs, you have the difficult task of packing for limited space, as well as…
Because of annoying TSA regulations and the lack of space on planes, trains and buses, travelers are often limited when it comes to the makeup…
Going abroad is an incredible experience that you don’t want to forget. Do a few of these things to remember it all. Documenting your experience…
Packing six months (or more!) of your life is perhaps one of the most challenging aspects of studying abroad. Fear not! The seasoned travelers at…
From determination to delusion, here are the stages you’ll go through on painfully long flights. This will be fun! Ooh, airplane food! I bet the…
Here I stand counting the seconds. As each second passes, I become amazed by the immense beauty that stands in front of me. Each second…
If you say you’ve never seen a movie that gave you a sudden strong urge to book a ticket to some far-flung destination with hopes…
You’re going abroad! Wait – how the heck do you do it?! When traveling, it’s easy to get anxious about things. A wrong turn here,…
Dear Ecuador, Over the last six weeks, you have made me feel at home with the warmth of your land and people. You have shown…
Let these travel bloggers, vloggers and photographers help inspire your next destination. 1. Darrin Stevens @darrin_stevens Based in Ontario, Canada, Darrin Stevens specializes in foggy…