Yesterday, I traveled to the quiant city of Essaouria, famous for its decidant seafood, gorgeous beaches and, most importantly, the fact that it was back…
Yesterday, I traveled to the quiant city of Essaouria, famous for its decidant seafood, gorgeous beaches and, most importantly, the fact that it was back…
Every day at 1:00 p.m., I don a jacket, a hat and a scarf, grab my bag and walk ten minutes to Calle Maipú, a…
Agadir is a vibrant city with stunning beaches, lively markets and lots of activites to fill the days with. In order to make the most…
What do you get when you mix 20 strangers, bottles of Malbec and Quilmes, the faint smell of cigarettes and our good friend Mary Jane,…
I have a riddle for you: Ruth’s flight into Miami gets delayed landing because of weather (thanks, Mother Nature.) Eventually, her flight lands at 9:20…
I have offically made it to Morocco! I flew out of Madrid on Sunday at noon, arrived in Marrakech an hour later, then took a…
Barcelona: Home to stunning beaches, amazing pinchos and, coincidently, Heather’s older cousin whom we have been staying with the past few days. Like I said…
So it is now Sunday, three full days past when I had planned to leave Granada – yet, somehow I am still here. That makes it…
Hola from Granada! Heather and I arrived here on Wednesday with plans to only stay two days – but its now day three, and…
Made it to España after a five hour bus ride from Lagos to Seville. Heather and I woke up at the lovely hour of 5:00 a.m. to…